
Thursday, September 8, 2011

I found my old training log from my past globo-gym days. Are you so impressed with my 3 sets of 18 reps of deadlifts @20 pounds on legs day? Or how about my set of 12 decline presses using...wait for it...THE BAR on chest/tris day? Wow, what a day I put in at the gym. I hope I adequately rewarded myself with a protein shake from the smoothie bar.

As I looked over my numbers I noticed that my numbers didn't change much over the months...years...and I'm sure my body didn't change much either. Thankfully I can't say the same about my numbers since starting CrossFit. I have seen more measurable gains in a couple months time than I ever did with my old training program.

So I raise my protein shake cup to future PRs and success as I start this training log - cheers!

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