
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Friday, 01.13.12

Strength: Stone Shouldering

42# stone for practice
93# # stone x2

My first try I couldn't even budge the stone from the ground.  I had several more failed attempts and then for some reason I was able to just walk up and move the stone into position.  First try I didn't "hug" the stone high enough so I was essentially lifting it from my stomach to my shoulder.  The second try I brought it to right under my chin and was able to roll it up to my shoulder.

Metcon: "Nicole"
For 20 minutes:
Run 400 m
Max rep pull-ups

6 rounds, 44 pull-ups. (6 + 8 + 9 + 8 + 8 + 5 = 44)

Thanks to Brad for reminding me after my first round to not try and control my descent on my pull-ups with negatives!  As you can see, I improved after that.

I know my max pull-up reps are on the low end, but coming from where I started, it's a huge improvement.  I never would of guessed that when I started CrossFit a little over 2 years ago that I would ever be able to do that many pull-ups in a work-out unassisted.  Especially after the embarrassing pull-up bar incident I had in front of Jason Khalipa at my CrossFit certification...but I'll save that story for another day.

Thursday, 01.12.12

Push Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
65, 85, 95, 105, 115, 125, 135

As far as I know, 135 is my PR for a push jerk.  The only other record I could find was that I had a 120# 3RM in November.

Metcon: Tabata Squats, followed by 4:00 of chest to bar pull-ups

I totally messed up counting this workout (surprise, surprise!).  On my tabata squats I kept a running tally, rather than counting the least amount of reps obtained in a set.  I had a total of 146 squats.

I also messed up the c2b pull-ups.  I read the board wrong and did just regular pull-ups for the 4 minutes.  I had a total of 31 regular pull-ups.