
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Saturday, 12.17.11 Capoot Fitness Challenge

1st Annual Capoot Fitness Challenge at CrossFit Solano
Today I competed in my first CrossFit competition which was a perfect first event because it was more for the challenge rather than the competition.  It was a fundraiser held at CrossFit Solano to honor Officer Capoot who was killed in the line of duty last month.  It was a great event with a huge turnout, and all of us were united for an honorable cause.

These were all partner workouts so Erica and I partnered up.
The Workouts:

WOD #1:
3:00 max reps of:

3:00 max reps of:
Hand Release Push-ups

3:00 max reps of:
Air Squats

Each partner would take turns, swapping out when the other was fatigued.  I was most worried about the pull-ups but was pleased with the adrenaline rush I got which helped push me through, even though at the end Erica and I were only busting out one at a time!  I think we ended up with 89 total.

Our total for the whole WOD was 292

WOD #2:
19 Min. AMRAP
This was officer Capoot's badge number - 497

4 Jerks
9 Deadlifts
7 Front Squats

One partner lifted while the other partner ran 497 meters.  Partners would swap each time one came in from the run.

This one was super tough.  95 # was heavy and Erica and I almost scaled down, but I'm SO glad we stuck with it and went RX!  We had 8 rounds.

WOD #3:
This was the floater WOD, meaning we didn't know what it was until that day.

5 Min Max Rep basketball baskets from behind free throw line.
On the minute for 5 minutes:
Both partners and to do 8 burpees each and then only one would shoot max baskets for the remaining minute.

I haven't shot a basketball in years, and it showed!  I had 6 baskets, which was actually one over the goal Erica and I had set of 5 baskets :)

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