
Monday, March 19, 2012

Wednesday, 03.14.12

Skill: Turkish Get up- accumulate 20 reps each side, working up in weight

Conditioning: For time:
- 15 Pull Ups
- 25 Push Ups
- 50 Kettlebell Swings (53/ 35#)
- 100 Double Unders
- 50 Kettlebell Swings
- 25 Push Ups
- 15 Pull Ups

19:25, hand release, 53# KB

I went a little bit heavier than rx on the kettle bell weight! This was a good, challenging workout.

I was able to get some valuable pointers from Doug on improving my Turkish get-ups:

1.  When you bend your knee and plant your foot on the ground, instead of keeping your legs parallel, open your hips and plant your foot slightly to the side.  This gives you more room when you're sweeping your leg back.

2. When sweeping your leg back, keep your toe in contact with the ground the whole time, like a windshield wiper.  That way your foot will be in position to push through your toe when standing up.

3. Keep your eyes on the weight the whole time until you stand up at the top.  At that point you should look forward, with a neutral head.

4. At the top you should have an active shoulder - ear to shoulder

5. Continue to look forward until you are back down in your lunge.  At that point simultaneously turn your head to look at the weight, and turn your elbow out, creating a straight line between your extended arm with the weight and the arm you plant back on the ground.  Continue looking at the weight.

6. The arm you are planting on the way down should be placed slightly in front of you.

8. When beginning the lift, begin on your side, facing the weight.  Lift the weight with both hands, turn onto your back, and place the weight in the beginning, or "rack" position.

Thanks Doug!

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